PrimeThought Licensing Service Help


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PrimeThought Licensing Service Help


Introduction to PrimeThought Licensing Server


What is PrimeThought Licensing Server?

PrimeThought Licensing Server is PrimeThought Software Solutions concurrent network licensing service for its supported products.

It runs as a service on an elected server machine.

Client applications like SpatialXL or MineModeller are then configured to get their licenses from the license server.

This allows for a concurrent licensing scheme, where a small pool of licenses can be shared by a potentially large set of clients.







To install run the PrimeThoughtLicensing.exe file.

This will install the prerequisites and then the License server and the license monitor program LicenseIQ.

The prerequisites are .NET Framework 4.0 full installation.

Windows server 2003 or above is supported.

Once installed the next step is to edit the service configuration file and set the correct server and port name.

Once that is done you can start the service using the LicenseIQ program.

Copy any licenses you get to the Licenses sub folder of the installation folder. Below is an example of where a license file has been copied:










The PrimeThought Licensing service consists of a Windows service "PrimeThought Licensing Service" that runs under the local system account.

This service scans the Licenses folder under the install folder for licenses.

When a new license is added to this folder, it loads the license and updates its records with the product and number of licenses it can now grant extra for that product.

Clients access the service using an HTTP URL. The default URL is http://localhost:31416/license

It must be configured in the PrimeThought.Licensing.Service.exe.config file in the install directory. See Service Configuration.

Any free port is supported, and this URL must be then specified as the license server URL in client applications.


Service Configuration





The service configuration is stored in the PrimeThought.Licensing.Service.exe.config file in the installation folder.


It has the following layout:


<?xml version="1.0"?>


 <!-- Uncomment the section below to enable tracing. -->





     <source name="System.ServiceModel"

             switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing"



         <add name="traceListener"


             initializeData= "c:\PrimeThoughtLicense.svclog" />










               <behavior name="PrimeThought.Licensing.Service.RequestServiceBehavior">

                   <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>

                   <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>





           <service behaviorConfiguration="PrimeThought.Licensing.Service.RequestServiceBehavior" name="PrimeThought.Licensing.Service.RequestService">

               <endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="PrimeThought.Licensing.Service.IRequestService">


                       <dns value="localhost"/>



               <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange"/>



                       <add baseAddress="http://localhost:31416/License"/>






<startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup></configuration>


To change the service URL change the bolded localhost value to the server machine name, and the bolded url http://localhost... to the desired URL with the same machine name.

Monitor Program (LicenseIQ)





The monitoring program called LicenseIQ is used to control the License service and see the licenses loaded and their current usage.


You can run it from the start menu after installing the PrimeThought license server.




The program comes up after a few seconds as follows:




As you can see it says the service is Stopped.

To start the service just click the Start button and the service will start.

When the service starts it will scan the Licenses sub folder for any valid server licenses. These will be displayed in the products tab if there are any.

If you see none displayed, then you need to obtain a server license for your client product and copy the license to the Licenses sub folder.

After copying the license, the service will load it automatically and you will see the licenses displayed as illustrated below:





Configuring Client Applications





To get a client application like SpatialXL or MineModeller to get its licenses from the license server you open the client application and access its Help->About menu item. There will be a button to update licensing. Click it and choose that the license comes from a license server.

Then enter the license server URL, for example: HTTP://Server1:31416/License.

Enter the URL that was set up in the Service configuration file as shown in the Service Configuration topic.

Once you click OK it will attempt to obtain a license and display the results.







1. Error on client application that unable to establish secure connection with server


This is often cause by the server's time being out of sync with the client machines time. The solution is to set these times to be correct within a few seconds.


2. Client says that is unable to connect to server


Check the firewall settings on the client and the server to make sure that the selected port (default 31416) is open.

Make sure that the URL for the license server is correct

Make sure the server is online

Make sure the service is running on the server


3. Unable to start or stop the service using the LicenseIQ program


Make sure to run the program as administrator.

Make sure there are no errors in the text of the service configuration file

Make sure the service is not disabled


4. Installation fails because it was unable to install pre-requisites


Manually install the .NET framework version 4.0 full version and try to install again













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